A state, which cannot provide its children rights- to live, to grow, to nourishment, to learn is not a welfare state; nor its citizens cultured-civilized
For Empowerment & Skill Development
A Bridge School for the Deprived Children
YUBA-The Youth
Rajustreet, Jeypore, Koraput, 764001
9437222925, childclubodisha@gmail.com, yuba_theyouth@yahoo.co.in
Primary objective of the KHELAGHARA Project was documentation and situation analysis of deprived children. We had planned to provide them a surrounding to recreate- to learn and to empower them. We had a vision to highlight their problems and their rights too. These objectives were planned after looking at the local strategic significances as follows- In the district of Koraput the children of the slums usually don’t go to school. Little girls and boys roam around the streets, market places or nearby bus stands. They develop their own sub-culture and often become rag pickers, dish washers, low paid assistants, beggars, petty thieves or child-prostitutes. Some of them also turn delinquent. They are deprived of affection at home and have no place for recreation or studies. A large part of the children work in brick kilns or cashew factories in hazardous conditions too. Due to this neglected childhood and neglect in learning it is hard to find a matriculate in the villages of the Koraput district
We visited the four slums of Jeypore to identify the deprived children of 4 to 14 ages. We documented their family status like education, economic condition, number of family members, etc. We took photographs of the deprived children for documentation and child club membership cards.
FINDINGS- During our analysis we found that most of the children don’t care about their health and hygiene. 80 % of girls are not going to school and the rest are irregular. School drop out cases are prominent among the age group of 8-14. 10 % of boys work in hotels, shops, some are engaged in picking polythene- iron pieces from the unhealthy backyards, some are engaged in cashew factory. There is a common notion in the slum locality that girls going to cashew factory get spoiled and up to some extension the surrounding spoil the childhood of the children The children working in cashew factory face hazardous situations- the chemical of the cashew seed damage their tender hands; some face accidents during transportation to the factory by unsafe vehicles; some girls get physically exploited. Some HIV- positive cases in minor girls working in cashew factory have been in news too.
It was seen that most of them have more than 7-8 brother-sisters. So it would have been very tough for the parents to make both ends meet. How can we expect the poor families to send all their children to school and to take proper care of the children?
The identified children of five different slums were invited to a get-together (KHELAGHARA) where they were free to play, to dance and to learn in play-way methods. Resource persons taught them how to draw, how to dance, sing. Different skill development programs like candle making, phenyl manufacture were taught too. They were motivated to join the mainstream i.e. regular schools. We could increase the attendance of the schools by our effort. Volunteers conducted individual programs in their slums too.
To empower them and to highlight their rights and their problems we have started a club of children and the child friendly people. We have issued photo identity cards to the members, which have got good response from the children and the public. Peoples from different fields were invited to one of the monthly child club meets to share our experiences and to develop their concern on the issue. Participants of the meet had an in-depth discussion and gave few valuable suggestions too. We present here the abstract of the proceedings for the situation analysis.
ABSTRACT OF CHILD CLUB MEET- We had invited prominent citizens and intellectuals of Jeypore to share about our program-activities and to collect suggestions from them. It was a part of our lobby advocacy program too. Representatives of deprived children and some senior youths from the operational area were also involved for collection of feed back from them.
· Mr. Devi Prasad Hota who has been selected as District Judge told that the care taken by KHELAGHARA for the mental, physical growth of the child is adorable. But instead of teaching them new skills they should be encouraged for their traditional jobs. The children working in garages or cycle repair shops would learn the job and that would be better for their future livelihood.
· Mr. Ramesh Panigrahy, program manager CYSD, Boipariguda- In this KHELAGHARA we should give extra importance for games and sports. One negative impact of vocational training might be encouragement of child labor.
· Mr. Madhu Harijan, a representive of he children and volunteer- On behalf of the child club we may arrange volley ball, cricket, carom sets so that children can play. Children can be benefited if we will arrange exercise programs every morning.
· Mr. Sures Harijan, another volunteer from the community- Children are interested in dance. If music system will be arranged, children will be happy to dance.
· Mr. Banshidhara Barik, CYSD Koraput- Our main objective is education for all. But if we convert the children from begging to sellers of coconut and diyas the objective of compulsory education is not fulfilled. Rather we should try to pursue them for education.
· Retired Engineer Sikandar Patra- Through various games we may try to teach the children discipline and sincerity. We may provide them, uniforms too. For their capacity building and skill development candle making, phenyl preparation are better ideas.
· MS Swaminathan Research Foundation scientist, Akshya Panda- Here in the KHELAGHARA project we have focused child as a unit. For a sustainable effect we have to think about their family too. We should plan for their livelihood i.e. food, cloth too. We have a Doctor ( Dr. Arjuna Nayak- resource person) with us, who can give them some medical service too. We can add some plantation scheme for every household of the participant children. We can provide herbal saplings from our institution too.
· Mr. Jugal Sahu, teacher Balaput- Parents awareness is most important for success of this program. I would give stress for that.
· Mr Abhisek Pattnaik, college student- Children would understand practical things, so we should give preference for that.
· Miss Anusuya Bhattamisra, engineering student- We all should work as guides for these children.
· Dr. Arjuna Nayak- Child labor i.e. deprived childhood is a big issue and the KHELAGHARA is a very small project. Let us work on few things at first and try to solve the problems step by step. There is no doubt that lots of things are to be done on this issue; we need a long-run plan for that.
· Sudhir Kumar, Secretary YUBA- WINDING UP- The child labor issue can’t be solved overnight as it is a complex one; interlinked with various social problems. It is interlinked with livelihood of the poor and has been socially accepted; hence prohibition of child labor is not an easy task. The best thing we can do primarily is to regulate it and arrange protection for the children. The children deprived of basic care from the society would be provided that by KHELAGHARA preliminarily. The rag picking or begging children are not given respect by the society. KHELAGHARA is trying to provide them sense of dignity and belongingness. The children begging around temples can’t be sent to schools straight way nor would they adopt some other task away from the present working surrounding. Hence we thought of motivating them to sold coconut, banana and diyas near the temple. Of course our ultimate aim should be to educate them. Above all the plight of children is not a childish issue, it needs grave concern. Let us all work together.
The program has brought more than 200 deprived children together; has built a forum of them. It has built a foundation for the Khelaghar, an innovative and dream concept of the Organization. For lobby advocacy a child club has been formed which thinks of the welfare and problem of the deprived children. Through this program we have developed the concern of the local people on the child issues. Best output of the program would be – we had a good documentation and trekking of the deprived children and had developed a good relation with them. A web page- www.childclubodisha.blogspot.com has been developed; it would carry on the lobby advocacy and would highlight the issues in a larger scale. A process of child bank has started.
The employers of the child labor kept distance from us and didn’t cooperate. The working children were reluctant to spare time with us. The different sub-culture of the slums was hard to work with. Carefree lifestyle, indiscipline and lack of family attachment of the children were hindrance to work with. Staffs were reluctant to work in the slums & among the street children Shortage of technical & efficient hands because of low honorariums. Time span & budget of the project was very small to have any noticeable effect. Callousness & non-co-operation of Govt. staffs was a problem for further linkages with the targeted group. Lack of place for regular activities- KHELAGHARA concept would have taken proper shape iff children could have availed the space at their own leisure for studying story books, playing indoor games or recreating together. The problem of child labor i.e. deprived children is a complex one hence; we faced various problems while working on the issue.
We had a great exposure with the child issues and about the problems of the slum children. We came to know better about the slum culture too. During our family survey of the neglected children we learnt that on an average they have 7-8 brothers and sisters and the big family size was found to be a main cause of negligence. Family planning counseling for the slum families is a utmost necessity we have found. After various analysis we had a learning that neglected childhood is not an isolated issue; it is a socio-economic problem. It needs a holistic, long run program. A foundation stone has been laid; but there is a long way to go.
The organization has a vision for CHILD RIGHT in par with human rights. The welfare of the children and struggle for their rights is not a short-term program; it needs a continuous process. We think about a continuous lobby advocacy attempt for them. CHILD CLUB would continue the movement of child right and would work as a foundation for welfare of the deprived children.
Sunamani is hardly 11 year, but without father-mother; she use to go with her granny for begging; she was a very supporting participant in khelaghara. But to our despair very recently she is working as housemaid along with her friends | |||
She is the lone landlord of this house ** Bad news is very recently she has been sent to | |||
Rag Picking | Two brothers working in a fabrication unit | Audience of a street play against child labor | |
Neglected childhood is not an isolated issue; it is a socio- economic problem.