☻Why a CHILD issue? - When the Children smile the nation shine, for a stronger nation we need to teach the children, childhood is the time to learn- a time to grow; we know all these things. Still the children are seen being exploited physically, mentally; they are seen washing plates-table in hotels, they are seen collecting polythene-iron pieces from the untidy garbage yards; they are also seen working in hazardous conditions. Whenever there is a necessity of pulling a crowd in a meeting- a rally- election procession or want cheap labors we search for children. It is a pity that they are not spared off human trafficking and flesh trades. Child prostitution in India has a greater demand for foreign tourists. They are sent to nearby states as cheap labor but return home sick, disabled and sometimes dead too. Despite of compulsory education and other numerous schemes a large share of children is deprived of education. How can we expect a stronger and developed nation with these miserable situations of children? A state, which cannot provide its children rights- to live, to grow, to nourishment, to learn is not a welfare state; nor its citizens cultured-civilized. Of course it is a good sign that concern for the children in the international level is rising. Hence it is right time for us to think about their welfare and their rights. Neglected childhood is not an isolated issue; it is a socio- economic problem.
☻Strategic significance of the intervention in the Local / District / State context –
In our area the children of the slums usually don’t go to school. Little girls and boys roam around the streets, market places or nearby bus stands. They develop their own sub-culture and often become rag pickers, dish washers, low paid assistants, beggars, petty thieves or child-prostitute. Some of them also turn delinquent. They are deprived of affection at home and have no place for recreation forget about studies. A large part of the children work in brick kilns or cashew factories in hazardous conditions too. Due to this neglected childhood and neglect in learning it is hard to find a matriculate in the villages of the Koraput district
In Jeypore urban area we have made a primary study among 200 deprived children of 5 slums and have found that most of the children don’t care about their health and hygiene. 80 % of girls are not going to school and the rest are irregular. School drop out cases are prominent among the age group of 8-14. 10 % of boys work in hotels, shops, some are engaged in picking polythene- iron pieces from the unhealthy backyards, some are engaged in cashew factory. The children working in cashew factory face hazardous situations- the chemical of the cashew seed damage their tender hands; some face accidents during transportation to the factory by unsafe vehicles; some girls get physically exploited (the news clippings are attached). Some HIV- positive cases in minor girls working in cashew factory have been in news too. Hence we should not think the deprived children issue as a childish issue, nor overlook; rather it needs a grave concern.
☻Objectives of the Proposal:
With concern to the deprived children we propose to-
I. Prepare a data of deprived children and make a situation analysis- DOCUMENTATION
II. Provide them a surrounding to recreate, to play, to learn, to unite- a KHELA GHARA
III. Organize a CHILD CLUB- a forum to show solidarity with them, to highlight their problems, to talk about their rights
IV. LOBBY ADVOCACY against the practice of child labor, to raise concern for them among the civil society

Would make a study of deprived children of our locality; would find detail statistics of their family, their educational status and present engagement. Would take their photos for documentation and give them a membership card of the child club. The membership card would give them a dignity and give them a feeling of solidarity and belongingness with the club. The documentation would make the task easier and would help for case studies.
II. KHELA GHARA (i.e. Recreation Center / Bridge School / Play School )
The KHELA GHARA would have play items and object of recreation for children. Picture books, indoor games, drawing material, etc would be provided. By play way methods they will be taught different things and would be encouraged to go to school wherever possible. Counseling with parents would be arranged and children would be taken to schools, parks for exposure. The KHELA GHARA would bring a ray of hope and would show steps for development to the deprived-neglected children.
The deprived children registered would be the members of the CHILD CLUB. They would be given membership cards with photos that would give them solidarity-dignity-belongingness and would help us for documentation too. People and children having concern for the rights of the child would also be invited to join the club. The child club would have monthly meetings to discuss about their welfare and work for lobby-advocacy too. The forum would raise their issues and about their rights. The forum would provide assistance in kind to the neediest children- like begging children or the children of beggars. CHILD CLUB would continue the movement of child right and would work as a foundation for welfare of the deprived children.
To highlight the issue, to involve other stakeholders and to prepare future action plan
Would present the issues of deprived children in different forums. Would print and distribute literature to create concern for them. Would create a network of child friendly members. The lobby advocacy would reciprocate our effort and mobilize support to continue the program
☻Expected Output / Impact - Besides giving them discipline, dignity, solidarity the project would work towards their harmonious growth. A platform for the welfare of the deprived children would be developed which would advocate their issues and rights. Most important is through this program we like to develop the concern of the people, of the locality- district and state in turn towards the neglected childhood. We would raise the issues of their exploitation, deprivation of their rights in the state and national level too. CHILD CLUB the club of the child friendly members would chalk out the welfare plan of the children especially the neglected-deprived.
☻Future Plans- The welfare of the children and struggle for their rights is not a short-term program; it needs a continuous process. We think about a continuous lobby advocacy attempt for them. The CHILD CLUB formed with the initial support would continue its activities with little monitoring and planning.
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