Why a CHILD issue? - When the Children smile the nation shine, for a stronger nation we need to teach the children, childhood is the time to learn- a time to grow; we know all these things. Still the children are seen being exploited physically, mentally; they are seen washing plates-table in hotels, they are seen collecting polythene-iron pieces from the untidy garbage yards; they are also seen working in hazardous conditions. Whenever there is a necessity of pulling a crowd in a meeting- a rally- election procession or want cheap labors we search for children. It is a pity that they are not spared off human trafficking and flesh trades. Child prostitution in India has a greater demand for foreign tourists. They are sent to nearby states as cheap labor but return home sick, disabled and sometimes dead too. Despite of compulsory education and other numerous schemes a large share of children is deprived of education. How can we expect a stronger and developed nation with these miserable situations of children? A state, which cannot provide its children rights- to live, to grow, to nourishment, to learn is not a welfare state; nor its citizens cultured-civilized. Of course it is a good sign that concern for the children in the international level is rising. Hence it is right time for us to think about their welfare and their rights. Neglected childhood is not an isolated issue; it is a socio- economic problem.

for detail- visit

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

dog overshadows a child labor

everybody should watch this
http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=208359942514421 or

but-   In real life we see these short of things around us but never notice it. Only when it is on screen we become sensitive and throw some comments. what after then?
any suggestions

really we do comment on the issues; but do nothing to solve it. may we come together and do something positive. MAY WE BE A CNDLE TO ENLIGHTEN

Monday, May 23, 2011

Sunday, May 15, 2011

not RTE i.e Right To Education but it should be RTQE Right To Qualitative Education

very recently we have been to a village and when we saw village children moving here and there in the vacation- we thought of organising them for a better play time. they were very enthusiastic to play dance sing as if they were starved of a meaningfull vacation. we arranged some toys and play items and reaqched there again the next day. the number of participants had increased; parents too were keen to drop their small kids at the venue. .................................
1. CHILDREN NEED some extra concern to develop their skils, personalities i.e. educational level ( i amd not getting the technical words)
2. THEY NEED QUALITATIVE EDUCATION- as we noticed children studying 6th were unable to write their names properly; we felt that- merely wasting their time in schools in the name of education is not sufficient. their times should b properly utilised for their overall development and to nourish them for a better citizen


this is from CHILD FUND
